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Power Knott provides a sustainable waste management option to Maldives

11 October 2021, MVT 22:03
A person using the biodigester installed by Power Knot in Four Seasons Landa Giraavaru -- Photo: Power Knot
11 October 2021, MVT 22:03

Maldives is one of the countries that will face lasting affects of climate change. Maldives is the third archipelago nation that will be most affected by increasing sea levels as well.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's report in 2014 has stated that by 2100's the sea level would raise by approximately 59 centimeters. While some islands in Maldives have an elevation of one meter above sea level, most islands do not. The possibility of these islands sinking and not making it to 2100 is a real fear the nation faces and something that had previously been acknowledged by Environment Minister Aiminath Shauna as well.

One of the main contributors to environmental deterioration is waste and garbage, and safely discarding of waste is something Maldives has to prioritize. The nation has taken some proactive measures in terms of waste management and in efforts to reach net-zero on carbon emissions by 2030.

People using the biodigester to safely dispose of waste -- Photo: Power Knot

Maldives uses various practices when discarding its waste at the moment, while most prominently, resorts will separate food waste from other forms and dump in in the oceans. As proper systems for waste disposal were not established near islands before, and an older law had a loophole which allowed this practice. The status of the world currently means this cannot be accepted though.

Around 40 percent of the waste produced in Maldives is food waste, and most of it is dumped into the ocean. This damages the underwater environment and the marine life as well. Later on, they gather on the beaches, disrupting the scenic view Maldivians are used to. Various island councils have been raising concerns over this ongoing issue.

Many companies heading in the right direction

Maldivian companies have started to accept and work alongside various international companies that have been working in environmentally friendly directions. Companies are in agreement that careful waste disposal is important to ensure the natural beauty of the nation is maintained. They have been taking the responsibility of safe disposal of garbage on their own.

Notably, Four Season's Landaa Giraavaru have installed an LFC-500 biodigester machine, in their endeavor to reduce their waste. This machine have reduced their waste by 34 tons since inception already. This waste would otherwise have been thrown in the ocean.

This machine was installed in Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru by Power Knot LLC, an organization working to provide safe and organic solutions to waste disposal. They also carry out awareness programs about conserving the environment and safe waste disposal as well.

Power Knot has organised a webinar aimed at resorts in Maldives. The webinar, which is scheduled for seven in the evening of October 13, will focus on areas such as safe disposal of garbage with the aid of technology, and steps that can be taken to prepare against climate change. The webinar will be conducted by Power Knots Iain Miles.

Even though this is aimed at resorts, anyone with an intertest in safe disposal of waste can participate. Registration for this webinar is now open.

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