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President conveys felicitations occasion of Islamic New Year 1441

Nafaahath Ibrahim
31 August 2019, MVT 09:21
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih sent Islamic New Year felicitations. PHOTOl PRESIDENTS OFFICE
Nafaahath Ibrahim
31 August 2019, MVT 09:21

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on late Friday conveyed felicitations on the occasion of the Islamic New Year 1441.

He conveyed greetings and good wishes to the people of Maldives and to the governments and brotherly people of the Muslim Ummah.

In his message, President Soliih noted that the Islamic New Year reminds us all of the auspicious events of Hijrah, of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), and stated that the Hijrah itself is a huge Islamic sacrifice made by our Islamic ancestors.

"As we say goodbye to a calendar year and welcome another new one, it is a wonderful opportunity to look back, learn from past mistakes and renew commitments to strive for a better future."

According to him, the most significant message conveyed through Hijrah incident is to remain steadfast against violence and injustice.

He also noted that these events taught us to stand against injustice and tyranny and to remain steadfast at the forefront of the fight against injustice, protecting human dignity and the significance of human rights advocacy.

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