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Ghassan to be summoned to 241 Committee

Parliament's Committee on National Security Services has decided to summon Minister of Defence Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon to question him regarding two specific matters.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 08:35
Minister of Defence Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon
Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 08:35

Parliament's Committee on National Security Services (241 Committee) has decided to summon Minister of Defence Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon to pose questions to him regarding two specific matters.

In today's meeting of the 241 Committee, West Henveiru MP Hassan Latheef noted that the Defence Minister had disclosed in Parliament on Monday that new information had come to light regarding the investigation into the attack on former President Mohamed Nasheed.

He said that parliament has already sent a letter requesting the Defence Ministry to share that information, and added that he further wished to summon Ghassan to the committee to ask about the matter.

Latheef went on to quote Ghassan as saying that details regarding the acquisition of military drones from Turkey will also be shared with the 241 Committee in a closed meeting. He, however, maintained he felt it unnecessary to keep the information confidential.

Latheef stated that Ghassan needed to be summoned to provide further details on this issue as well.

"The information I am seeking is what are the expenses incurred by the government in procuring these drones. The President has claimed some of it was free aid. Through the committee, I intend to find out what this free aid was and all such information," Latheef said.

Besides these two issues, some members also highlighted concerns about the matter of Indian Coastguard having boarded local fishing vessels which were within the Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone. Ghassan said in parliament on Sunday that India had explained that the incident had occurred through 'miscommunication', but some MPs have further questions on the matter.

It was unanimously voted through all members of the Committee present to summon Ghassan for a meeting within the next five days.

The Committee on National Security Services is also known as the 241 Committee as it was established under Article 241 of the Constitution.