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Attendance allowance for work during weekends

Mohamed Rehan
24 October 2023, MVT 16:29
civil servants,civil service workers
Mohamed Rehan
24 October 2023, MVT 16:29

The new amendment to the State's pay framework has extended attendance allowance for employees working during public holidays and weekends. Previously it was only given for attendance on official working days.

According to the revision published by the Ministry of Finance on its pay framework, employees attending office on weekends or on public holidays will receive the attendance allowance.

The new changes state that employees working for half of the duration of the official working hours on weekends or public holidays are entitled to receive the allowance.

Attendance allowance was previously provided to employees based on their attendance to work on work days, and was granted to employees who attended in person or virtually.

Under the new revision, attendance has been interpreted as physical presence at work or by signing in virtually, if online presence is required.

The amendment provides attendance allowance for official trips abroad or to other islands.

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