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Twelve houses damaged in heavy rain and floods in Ihavandhoo

Heavy rains in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo have resulted in streets becoming flooded and flood water leaking into over twelve residences.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 August 2024, MVT 15:10
Flooding in Ihavandhoo.
Mariyath Mohamed
13 August 2024, MVT 15:10

Heavy rains in Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo have resulted in streets becoming flooded and flood water leaking into over twelve residences.

Vice President of Ihavandhoo Council Mohamed Areeb told Mihaaru News today that the island has been experiencing torrential downpours since yesterday evening, with the rain only having paused at 10:00 hrs this morning.

Most streets of the island are now flooded, with water having entered some residences.

Houses flooded in Ihavandhoo.

"There's flood water even in some rooms in these houses. There's water leaking from under floor tiles in some houses as well," Areeb said.

Areeb said that the most severe flooding is being experienced in the eastern side of the island. The water is flowing to this area due to its lower elevation, with houses in this area facing flood water damage.

With the assistance of MNDF, efforts have now ensued to drain the flood water with pumps, with floodways being dug in three areas to encourage water flow to the sea.

"With the help of MTCC, we have now dug three floodways, directing the flood waters to the sea. Some houses piled sand bags ahead of the flooding and so prevented water damage," Areeb said.

The western side of Ihavandhoo which also got flooded is the area where land plots were most recently issued. Although the area is not inhabited yet, agricultural plots sustained damage.

The northern atolls of Maldives are experiencing the worst of the current adverse weather conditions, with the MET Office having issued an Orange Alert from Haa Alif to Shaviyani atoll yesterday. Orange Alerts are issued when rainfall is recorded at over 90 mm per hour, and winds are over 63 mph.

The area is currently under a Yellow Alert and the National Disaster Management Authority has cautioned residents to take precautionary measures as the adverse weather conditions are forecast for the coming days as well.

Rain and flood damage have also been reported in many other islands, including Haa Alif Uligan, Kelaa, Baarah, Dhihdhoo, Haa Dhaalu Kulhudhuhfushi, Lhaviyani Naifaru, Kurendhoo, Gaafu Alif Dhevvadhoo, Seenu Maradhoo, Feydhoo, and Hithadhoo.

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