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Parliament passes representatives to two boards

Fathmath Shaahunaz
10 June 2019, MVT 20:35
Lawmakers pictured at the parliament sitting during the address of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 8, 2019. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
10 June 2019, MVT 20:35

The parliament on Monday approved its representatives to the Clemency Board and the Anti-Human Trafficking National Steering Committee.

The parliament passed to appoint Ihavandhoo MP Mohamed Shifau to the Clemency Board, and Hinnavaru MP Jeehan Mahmood to the anti-human trafficking committee, with 81 votes out of 82 lawmakers in attendance.

The two members of Maldivian Democratic Party, the main party of the governing coalition, were the only nominations to the two boards.

The former parliamentary representative to the 11-member Clemency Board was Ungoofaaru MP Jaufar Dawood, while the former representative to the 14-member Anti-Human Trafficking National Steering Committee was Gahdhoo MP Ahmed Rasheed.