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STO introduces "Green Concrete"

Mohamed Rehan
06 June 2022, MVT 12:11
STO introduces low-carbon concrete to replace conventional cement -- Photo: STO
Mohamed Rehan
06 June 2022, MVT 12:11

State Trading Organization (STO) has introduced "Green Concrete" or otherwise known as low-carbon concrete.

The low-carbon concrete is STO's answer towards the environmental impact generated from conventional cement products manufactured using hazardous chemicals.

As such, STO claims the "Green Cement" is an eco-friendly alternative which will greatly help in reducing environment pollution in the construction and infrastructure development industry.

The low-carbon concrete apart from being a more eco-friendly option, has lower levels of hydration heat compared to conventional concrete.

STO's decision of introducing "Green Cement" is observed as a major move in the company's commitment to be a driving force promoting carbon neutrality.

The eco-friendly cement is manufactured using recycled raw materials and use comparatively lower Carbon-dioxide content in production.

STO reports a 10 to 15 percent reduction in Carbon-dioxide emission from the utilization of Green Cement.

The low-carbon concrete was first developed by Denmark cement manufacturers back in 1998. Additionally, this eco-friendly cement uses comparatively less energy resources in its production.

Despite using recycled raw materials in production, the cement quality is retained at industry standards.

Moreover, the Green Cement uses ground granulated blaster-furnace slag (GGBS) instead of conventional concrete content.

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