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Daughter of ex-pres Gayoom to court over PPM congress

Shaina Abdulla
28 September 2018, MVT 08:19
Yumna Maumoon during a press conference
Shaina Abdulla
28 September 2018, MVT 08:19

Yumna Maumoon, the daughter of former president and former leader of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has requested the Civil Court to issue a temporary order to halt the PPM congress.

Yumna had stated that the current PPM party leader was elected in violation of the party charter and added that therefore, a congress by an illegitimate party council is not in accordance with the PPM party charter.

She further noted that a congress by such a council may cause irreversible damage to other members of the party.

Mohamed Nadheem, former PPM council member and spouse to Yumna Maumoon, had earlier filed to halt the PPM congress at the Elections Commission (EC).

In a letter to the electoral watchdog chief, Ahmed Shareef, the former PPM council member highlighted that whilst the ruling party had decided on holding a party congress, no reasons that call for a congress according to the party charter has yet happened.

Amidst political dispute between the PPM founder Maumoon and ruling president and current leader Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, the party has been divided into two factions after Civil Court, earlier, orderered to handover the leadership of the party from its Leader Maumoon to its then Advisor the incumbent President Yameen. Following the court order, all leadership of the party was handed over to President Yameen.