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20th Parliament will be exemplary: Nazim

This article is based on a report by Aishath Nuzuha of Mihaaru.

Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 10:39
Ahmed Nazim
Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 10:39

Ahmed Nazim has returned to politics after a long hiatus.

With his success in the recent parliamentary elections, he is set to represent the Dhiggaru constituency in the 20th People's Majlis.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has also nominated Nazim for the post of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

Nazim expresses confidence that he can fulfill this duty with his extensive experience in the political arena, along with the trust the President has placed in him. He assured that the 20th Parliament will be exemplary, compared to those that came before.

"My aim, too, is to resolve issues and to take Maldives to a better place, with a more stable economy. I told the President that I will do that work sincerely. That I will stop everything else and roll up my sleeves and dedicate myself entirely to this work," Nazim said.

The 20th People's Majlis is the third parliamentary term that Nazim has been elected for. He represented the Dhiggaru constituency in both the 17th and 18th People's Majlis.

During the 18th People's Majlis, a Supreme Court ruling resulted in Nazim losing his seat mid-term.

Nazim has also previously filled the position of Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

He has also served as the Chair of the Parliament's Committee on Public Finance for six years.

Nazim disregarded public comments that as he has previously served as Deputy Speaker, he should now be raised to the position of Speaker. He maintains that the importance is in serving the people, not in the position one holds.

"The main purpose is to serve the nation. As I see it, serving the nation does not depend on what post you hold. This is why I have come to parliament as just an ordinary member. To continue service from where I left off," Nazim said.

As an example, Nazim cited the Civil Service Employees Bill that he had submitted to parliament fifteen years ago. It is this bill that today allows civil service employees to retire.

Nazim stated that even today, there are abundant areas where reform is needed in the country. He pointed out that social issues, the health sector and even the judiciary demonstrated that the work that had begun during his previous time in parliament still remains incomplete.

Nazim said that it is with facing this reality that he will work within the People's National Congress (PNC) in parliament to resolve many such issues presented to the nation.

"We have to accept the reality, accept that these issues exist. Our economy does not have the depth or strength to experience any further shocks. We have to work to guide the government to reform Aasandha, to find a solution to the drug issues," Nazim explained.

"I have absolute confidence that this work can be conducted together with those newly elected to Parliament."

Nazim spoke about his beliefs on why the nation has experienced a set back in recent times.

"Through political unrest and discord national interests have been neglected, and personal interests of political leaders were being protected. This is what has led to us facing setbacks in national issues," Nazim opined.

He asserted that all this would change in the upcoming parliament.

"With no dissent, with no discord, we have been able to decide upon the senior positions in Parliament. If we can proceed with parliament in this manner, with unity, then we can see that change," Nazim said.

"The first thing the President asked of us is to ensure this Parliament sets an example. To make sure that events that occurred in previous parliaments do not recur. That the Parliament sittings should be safe for viewing in homes by families gathered together."

Nazim stated that as Deputy Speaker, he would ensure that proper opportunities are granted even to the few opposition parliamentarians, without allowing any instance where even they could raise complaints about the Speakers.

"I can say with confidence even now that you will not see scenes as you did before on the parliament floor. That can be done through showing leadership."

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