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News / HDC

HDC orders against constructing in Hulhumalé without permits

HDC has issued a notice against constructing in Hulhumalé without necessary permits and in violation of the corporation's regulations.

Ameera Osmanagic
29 June 2024, MVT 08:52
Land allocation for Malé citizens from Hulhumalé Phase 2 -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
29 June 2024, MVT 08:52

Housing Development Corporation (HDC), which oversees the development of Hulhumalé, ordered not to carryout any construction in the island without obtaining permits today.

In a notice issued by the corporation, HDC said that it has come to their attention that buildings are being constructed in lands sold and leased from Hulhumalé as well as those issued for social housing without regard to the regulations set forth, and without obtaining construction permits.

As such, HDC reminded members of the public who are building in Hulhumalé to submit an architectural drawing of the building for approval and obtain all necessary permits before moving into the construction stage.

The statement also highlighted that construction regulations for Hulhumalé are readily available on the corporation's website, and can be clarified via its hotline 1516.

HDC, in its statement, also warned that it would take action against those who construct without permits or violate any of its regulations.

As of now, HDC has sold a large amount of land in various parts of Hulhumalé via tender processes, while land plots were also issued for free to Malé citizens from Hulhumalé Phase 2 under the government's Binveriyaa Scheme [land owner scheme].

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