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Complaint reviews reveal an increase in electricity consumption

STELCO investigated the complaints and determined that the reason for the increase in the bill was due to a higher consumption of electricity.

Malika Shahid
05 June 2024, MVT 14:38
An electricity bill; there has been widespread complaints regarding an increase in electricity bills last month -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
05 June 2024, MVT 14:38

State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) has stated that the increase in the latest electricity bill was due to a rise in electricity consumption.

Many people have expressed concerns on social media about unusually high electricity bills. The company on Sunday requested that complaints regarding this matter be submitted.

STELCO said that it had received 659 phone calls and 6,135 messages regarding electricity bills within two days.

A spokesperson from STELCO informed Mihaaru News that the majority of complaints were regarding a higher electricity bill compared to previous months, despite the consumption being almost the same.

STELCO investigated the complaints and determined that the reason for the increase in the bill was due to a higher consumption of electricity.

In an earlier interview, an engineer from STELCO, Ismail Nishar, explained that the noticeable increase in bills was due to the government providing discounts on utilities the previous month.

"Some people have almost the same rate of consumption. The bills will also show the actual reading of the two months that the government had decided to offer discounts. What STELCO had done was observe the consumption of last year. We eliminated the peak three months and took an average of the remaining nine months and prepared the bill for that average. The average amount was billed if the consumption was greater than the average amount. If consumption was less than the average, a 10 percent discount was provided. That is why the billable amount is similar," he explained.

Complaints regarding electricity bills can be submitted to STELCO's customer service number 7788438 via WhatsApp or Telegram. Complaints can also be submitted via email at [email protected].

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