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Multi-million dollar partnership with Google

Ribakova Elena
16 November 2021, MVT 11:02
CSIRO and Google announce five-year partnership
Ribakova Elena
16 November 2021, MVT 11:02

CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall delivers remarks in Sydney to announce a five year, multi-million dollar partnership with Google.

"What a profound impact science-led innovation has had on that small town, creating millionaires who go on to found more companies worth billions that employ thousands of people. Google’s investment in Australian science will supercharge our emerging innovation ecosystem, which is passionate and world-class, but still small and fragmented, hindering our national delivery of real solutions from science", says CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall.

Australia is at a pivotal point and facing profound challenges as a nation, seeking to build back better after the pandemic, and seize opportunities to lead on the world stage.

As the national science agency, CSIRO solves the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. No matter how brilliant the science, it takes a company to make it real.

Both companies are focussed on using science and technology to change the rules of the game, and by working with Australia’s national science agency, will deliver the seemingly impossible trifecta of sustainable and societal benefit at the same time as profits. This year CSIRO has launched four missions: growing Australia’s hydrogen industry; strengthening agrifood exports; expanding the protein market; and building resilience to drought across the farms.

These missions will create jobs and fuel economic growth, with more in development to end plastic waste, overcome antimicrobial resistance, and secure supply of the critical energy metals that will underpin net zero technologies. CSIRO’s science partnered with Google’s tech can make great things happen – like its' current program using AI to combat the invasive Crown-of-Thorns starfish devastating the Great Barrier Reef.

Both CSIRO and Google have significant strengths in AI, but it will take a network of partners across Australia to turn that expertise into real solutions, focused on the markets where Australia can win – from farming to manufacturing to environmental management. Neither CSIRO nor Google can do this alone.

"The seeds we plant today will inspire our next generation of great minds to grow here. Our success will attract many more partners to join with us to help grow a better future for all Australians". - Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall.