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Government condemns attack on PG, asserts no room for terrorist acts

The government has issued a statement condemning the violent attack on PG Shameem this morning. While assuring to do all to bring those responsible to justice, the government affirmed it would not allow any room for terrorist acts in the country.

Lamya Abdulla
31 January 2024, MVT 18:37
(FILE) The President's Office: following the attack on Shameem MNDF has strengthened his security -- Photo: Mihaaru (FILE) The President's Office: following the attack on Shameem MNDF has strengthened his security -- Photo: Mihaaru
(FILE) The President's Office: following the attack on Shameem MNDF has strengthened his security -- Photo: Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
31 January 2024, MVT 18:37

Maldives government has strongly condemned the attack on Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem on Wednesday morning.

In a statement released today, the government said they will utilize all their faculties to ensure people that carry out dangerous and terrorist acts such as this are brought to justice swiftly. In order to ensure such attacks are not repeated, defence forces will be on constant vigilance, they said.

They added they will do all they can to guarantee the security of people in high positions within the State.

The statement also said the government will strive to maintain the peace in Maldives and will not allow for terrorism to foster within the nation.

“We wish for a swift recovery for Prosecutor General Uz Hussain Shameem. We hope he can return to work soon after his recovery,” they said.

In the statement released by Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), they said Shameem was attacked by two people on a motorcycle, using a weapon.

Mihaaru news reported the attackers had stalked Shameem on his morning run, prior to the attack.

Shameem is an avid runner and swimmer, and is known to be out for these activities alone. However, sometimes he has security personnel that accompanies him on these outings.

The investigation of Shameem’s attack so far has uncovered that two people in helmets had stalked Shameem while he was on morning run, on their motorcycle.

He was attacked after Shameem had dropped his child off for school in the morning, after his morning run. The attackers aimed the hammer they used as a weapon towards his head, however Shameem’s attempt to defend himself lead to the injury he sustained being to his elbow.

Shameem injured his left elbow, which has been fractured, in the attack on his life near Noor Mosque near his residence. He has been treated in ADK Hospital and released now.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has strengthened Shameem’s security detail following the attack.

PGO said the police was investigating this case as a serious issue and Police Commissioner Ali Shujau had personally visited ADK Hospital while Shameem was there to check on him.

No one has been arrested in this case yet.

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