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Maldives opposition livid over govt pre-conditions for party talks

Mohamed Visham
11 October 2016, MVT 14:24
UN envoy meeting the government representatives in the all party talks on Wednesday.
Mohamed Visham
11 October 2016, MVT 14:24

Maldives opposition has been angered by the government set pre-conditions for the upcoming all party talks and appears to be headed for a similar fate as the previous attempts for dialogue in the archipelago.

Main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and religiously conservative Adhaalath Party (AP) had agreed to sit-down with the government in a bid to honour the Commonwealth led push to resolve the protracted political strife in the Maldives.

Government had first, demanded all political parties to have the representatives for the imminent talks passed by the councils of the respective parties.

The demand has been widely deemed as an attempt by president Yameen to snub his half brother’s representatives from the talks.

Days after, the government informed all political parties that it would not allow convicted and jailed politicians in the talks.

The latter has definitely irked the opposition with both MDP and Adhaalath pushing to free jailed opposition leaders.

The opposition has accused the government of setting pre-conditions in a bid to fail the talks.

After placing Maldives on its formal agenda, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) had called on both sides to compromise and sit-down for dialogue without any pre-conditions.

In addition to the Commonwealth, the United Nations had also initiated proxy talks after the main opposition parties refused to sit-down with government demanding the release of all jailed political leaders as a pre-condition for the talks.



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