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President assures diligence towards policy on empowering youth

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has today declared the government's steadfast diligence towards the policy adopted on youth empowerment and their economic empowerment.

Aishath Shuba Solih
27 August 2024, MVT 14:23
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu speaking at the PNC party hub meeting. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
27 August 2024, MVT 14:23

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has today declared the government's steadfast diligence towards the policy adopted on youth empowerment and their economic empowerment.

Speaking at a party hub meeting of ruling People's National Congress (PNC), the President stressed that one the government's topmost priority is the youth and empowering them while striving to secure economic wellbeing for the demographic.

Ensuring housing and employment opportunities for the youth are also included in the government's manifesto, he further recalled.

"The youth are one of the most prioritized in our government. A practical policy is drawn for this. We will not change this youth related policy," he assured.

President Muizzu disclosed that several false news concerning the youth are being circulated during these delicate times when multiple efforts towards addressing the nation's drug problem are being proceeded.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu arriving at the PNC party hub meeting. -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News

Absolutely no opportunity to destroy the community will be given to drug leaders and those involved in drug trade during this time when efforts are targeting the empowerment of youth, he declared.

"Among this, strict action will be taken against those who have no desire to reform themselves nor become someone with something to contribute to the community," warned the President.

However, those now reformed despite being formerly engaged in drugs are not in any danger of these actions, he assured.

President Muizzu also ensured to rid the nation of drugs with cooperation from everyone.

This government has determined an amendment to the Drug Act which allows for the death penalty to be imposed over those smuggling drugs into the country and has included a draft in the bill to implement this penalty.

This draft also includes a strict clause mandating public disclosure of photos and names of gang leaders and members under targeted efforts to end criminal gang activity.