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Single-day pole and line fishing record rakes in near a million

Mohamed Rehan
04 December 2022, MVT 11:41
Mohamed Rehan
04 December 2022, MVT 11:41

A fishing vessel originating from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll has generated a gross income of MVR 996,034 from a single day's pole and line fishing.

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) reports the vessel, registered under the name of "Baahiraa" originated from Gaafu Dhaalu Fares-maathodaa. According to the company, the vessel had weighed 58.6 tons of catch at Kooddoo Fisheries Complex on Saturday, December 3.

A previous pole and line fishing single day record was made by another vessel from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Madaveli,registered under the name "TS Line". The vessel had weighed 57 tons of fish at the fisheries complex with gross earning of MVR 971,000.

The new record holder, "Baahiraa" is a 117 feet modern fishing vessel, with a capacity to accommodate 30 fishermen. The vessel is also retrofitted with an RSW system to keep catch in cold temperatures.

Fisheries activity across Maldives has improved in recent weeks, with average catch weighing between 20 to 40 tons for vessels during a single day. Seasonal improvements in fishing is still troubled by the capacity of fisheries complexes being full and the controls placed on the amount of catch bought from each vessel.

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