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President, First Lady attend banquet hosted by Japan PM

Shahudha Mohamed
24 October 2019, MVT 12:59
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih attending the official banquet hosted by the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe. PHOTO: PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Shahudha Mohamed
24 October 2019, MVT 12:59

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed on Wednesday night attended the official banquet hosted by Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe.

The banquet, held at Hotel New Otani, was hosted in honour of the high-level attendees visiting the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor of Japan Naruhito. It was also an opportunity for world leaders to network and strengthen multilateral partnerships.

President Solih is currently on an official visit to Japan upon a special invitation from the Japanese government, for the enthronement ceremony of the new Japanese Emperor.

Heads of state and other dignitaries from over 170 countries gathered to attend the Japanese Imperial Ceremony of Ascension 'Sokui no Rei' of Emperor Naruhito since the historic abdication of Emperor Akhito in May.

Since establishing diplomatic relations in November 14, 1967, Japan has extensively supported Maldives, including the relief aid provided after the Boxing Day Tsunami struck on December 26, 2004, killing 11 Maldivians and displacing thousands.