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MDP celebrates overwhelming parliament majority

Shahudha Mohamed
06 April 2019, MVT 23:32
Former President Mohamed Nasheed at the celebratory ceremony following MDP's victory in the 2019 parliamentary elections. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
06 April 2019, MVT 23:32

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) hosted a ceremony at the area near Lonuziyaaraiy Kolhu on Saturday night to celebrate their overwhelming majority in the parliamentary elections of 2019.

At the time of publication, merry-making over MDP's overwhelming success is currently ongoing with participation from fourteen successful candidates and a number of supporters.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed celebrating MDP's overwhelming majority in 2019 parliamentary elections. Nasheed is the first former president to be elected for parliament. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU

Former President Mohamed Nasheed and current President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih took part in the celebrations.

Tweet by MDP Secretariat showing President Solih joining the celebrations.

The current tentative results show that the party is leading in over 59 out of 87 constituencies. This result places MDP as the one party to secure such an overwhelming majority in parliament in Maldivian history.

Additionally, MDP triumphed in various atolls in which the party previously never gain majority, including Shaviyani, Raa, Faafu and Meemu Atoll.

Despite the 2009 parliament being held in an MDP-led administration, the party failed to secure a clear majority then. MDP was only able to win 26 seats on each occasion during the past two parliamentary elections.

Prior to this year's elections, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih stressed on the importance of MDP securing a majority in parliament for the government to ensure the best interests of the Maldivian people.