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Govt blocks opposition request for rally venue

Ahmed Aiham
26 December 2019, MVT 19:16
Progressive Coalition's 'Hibaru Vadhu' rally shortly before former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was sentenced to 5-years in prison. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
26 December 2019, MVT 19:16

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), a leading member of the opposition coalition, on Wednesday, expressed concern over the government's decision to reject a request to host a rally at Rehendhi School in reclaimed suburb Hulhumale' on Friday evening.

According to the letter of response signed by School Principal Nazim Abdulla, the accommodation request was turned down under the Ministry of Education's advisement, which recommended the institute refrain from granting the use of school property to host political activities.

Ibrahim Shujau, Vice President of the remaining opposition coalition party, People's National Congress (PNC), raised questions regarding the reasoning behind Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) being permitted to use Huravee School for its Youth Congress and Brightway International School for it's 'Agenda 19' campaign policy workshop.

In a tweet that tagged Minister of Education Aishath Ali, Shujau shared a photograph depicting the letter of denial and called the decision to refuse the use of Rehendhi School for PPM's activities "a shame".