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EU revokes sanctions framework against Maldives

Shahudha Mohamed
18 June 2019, MVT 09:09
A meeting of the European Parliament in progress. PHOTO: PIETRO NAJ-OLEARI
Shahudha Mohamed
18 June 2019, MVT 09:09

European Union (EU), on Monday, decided to revoke the framework for restrictive measures against Maldives adopted on July 16, 2018.

According to a statement released by the organisation, the decision was taken in light of Maldives' current political situation as well as the objectives of the EU Council.

"Since the inauguration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration in November 2018, the political situation has improved. The holding of peaceful and democratic parliamentary elections on April 6, 2019, was a welcome step", the statement read.

Additionally, the EU highlighted the current administration's commitment to consolidating democracy, ensuring good governance and promoting respect for human rights during the fourth annual policy dialogue between Maldives and the EU held on March 11.

EU adopted the framework for targeted sanctions against Maldives in response to a deterioration of internal politics during the first half of 2018.

The former government's actions against the then-opposition, as well as interference in the functioning of the judiciary and parliament, were major causes for concern which prompted the EU to act.

The framework permitted restrictive measures against persons and entities responsible for undermining the rule of law, obstructing inclusive political solutions and committing serious human rights violations.

As per the framework, Member countries of the EU were allowed to impose travel bans or asset freezes on relevant individuals and entities.