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A'Level studies to be introduced in 23 more schools

Minister of Education Dr Ismail Shafeeu has announced that A'level classes will be introduced in 23 additional schools. In addition to this, students who receive even a single pass in their O'level examinations will now be eligible to join A'level studies.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 20:26
Mariyath Mohamed
23 July 2024, MVT 20:26

Minister of Education Dr Ismail Shafeeu has announced that A'level classes will be introduced in 23 additional schools. In addition to this, students who receive even a single pass in their O'level examinations will now be eligible to join A'level studies, he said.

Speaking at the Prize Day Ceremony of Centre for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), the Minister expressed concerns about the low number of students who receive the opportunity to study in Grades 11 and 12 after completing their O'level exams.

The Minister said that out of 7000 students who join Grade 1, less than 2500 students complete O'levels and are qualified to join high standard universities. In order to change this, the Minister said, the aim is to provide A'level education opportunities to as many students as possible.

The Minister said that President Dr Mohamed Muizzu is also of the view that more students should be granted the opportunity to study A'levels. He said that these discussions will be held, and students who pass in even one or two subjects in O'levels will be given the opportunity to undertake higher secondary education.

"Our team discussed this, and discussed this with the President as well, and we decided that even if passes are obtained in two subjects, to allow them to do A'levels. And if there are slots, even those who pass in one subject to be given the opportunity," the Minister said.

The Minister said that after reviewing the results of schools newly introducing A'level studies, the government aims to establish higher secondary education in even more schools.

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