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Former DCP Soadiq appointed to Appeal Committee

Lamya Abdulla
28 April 2021, MVT 12:24
Home Minister Imran Abdulla with Police officials as they demolish drugs the police have accumulated: The members for the appeal committee were appointed by Imran -- Photo: Ahmed Awshan Ilyas/ Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
28 April 2021, MVT 12:24

Former Deputy Commissioner of Police Mohamed Soadiq, along with four more people were appointed to 'The Appeal Committee' formed under the Police Service Act.

In addition to former Deputy Commissioner, Azmeen Rasheed, Fathimath Leena, Minna Nafiz and Ahmed Shihaadh were appointed to the committee by Home Minister Imran Abdulla, according to the Home Ministry.

As per the Police Service Act, within 30 days of the act being implemented, an Appeal Committee has to be formed by the Minister. It consists of five members who are recommended by the Police Board. The committee is mandated with overlooking and appealing the disciplinary actions taken by the Police Board against the police.

The members of the Appeal Committee cannot be part of the police as per the Police Service Act.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih put together the Police Board earlier this month after the Police Service Act got amended.

The members appointed to the Police Board include Aishath Noora Mohamed, Ahmed Naashid, Adam Ibrahim, Haamid AbdulGafoor and Safaa Shareef in addition to the President of the Board Ali Faaiz and Vice President Fayaz. The president and vice president were appointed after an internal vote among the board members.