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Minister Imran assures first-round win for President Solih

Mohamed Rehan
18 June 2023, MVT 10:09
Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla; the Adaalath Party (AP) leader is hopeful President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will secure his presidential second term from the first round of elections-- Photo: Adaalath Party
Mohamed Rehan
18 June 2023, MVT 10:09

Adaalath Party (AP) leader and the incumbent Minister of Home Affairs, Imran Abdulla, has expressed his belief that Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will secure his second term in the upcoming presidential in the first round of voting.

Adaalath Party, which has been in the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) coalition since the party came to power in 2018, recently announced that it will be backing President Solih and MDP in the upcoming elections. Meanwhile, the ruling party coalition recently held a ceremony to launch campaign preparation works.

During the ceremony, the Minister said that the preparations for the presidential campaign are almost completed. He said that the campaign trips have been scheduled and organized, while the party's manifesto is in its final stages of completion.

Minister Imran emphasized that President Solih's entire campaign team is fully prepared and ready to begin their campaign efforts.

"It is based on all of these factors that we are certain President Solih will secure victory in the elections from the first round, God willing," he said.

Imran also said that while Adaalath Party has recently celebrated its 18th anniversary, the party had always worked for religious and political reform, and assured the party will always remain committed to the cause. The Minister also added that due to these qualities, the political party’s role is crucial during every presidential election.

The Minister further said that Adaalath Party's primary focus will be to enhance religiously-inclined governance in the Maldives, and that the party has achieved significant religious reform. He added that the party will not back down in its cause.

The Minister emphasized that Adaalath Party's primary focus will be to promote religiously-inclined governance in the Maldives, and highlighted the party's significant achievements in religious reform. He affirmed that the party remains steadfast in its cause and will not waver.