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Police intensify security measures following group violence

Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 10:04
Police take part in an operation -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 10:04

The police have launched a special operation to enforce security measures in response to gang violence in Malé City and Addu City.

While group violence has generally been under control, these incidents have seen an increase over the past few weeks.

Three individuals were apprehended in relation to a group altercation near Chibo Cafe in Malé on Wednesday. Additionally, a 30-year-old man sustained serious injuries during clashes between two groups in Hithadhoo, Addu City.

In a statement released last evening, the police announced that special efforts have been initiated to ensure safety and security in Malé and Addu cities. Additional police teams are being dispatched from Malé to Addu as part of these measures.

"Necessary efforts are being undertaken to identify those involved in the violence in Addu City and take appropriate legal action."

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