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All IGMH staff joins in to clean hospital premises

All employees at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital have organized an activity to clean the hospital premises today.

Aishath Shuba Solih
27 July 2024, MVT 16:32
Employees of IGMH Hospital with CEO Haleem.
Aishath Shuba Solih
27 July 2024, MVT 16:32

All employees at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital have organized an activity to clean the hospital premises today.

Speaking with Mihaaru News, CEO of the hospital, Ibrahim Abdul Razzaq Haleem said that this activity was organized and held by the initiative of hospital staff.

Employees cleaning the IGMH Hospital.

He said that although hospital premises are routinely cleaned on a daily basis, there are multiple locations at individual departments and common areas that require attending. He shared that all employees had therefore organized today's cleaning initiative.

"As hospitals need to be kept clean at all times; hospitals need to be the cleanest place to ensuring safety of patients," said Haleem.

Employees cleaning the IGMH Hospital.

"Employees had therefore initiated this activity, similar to a large event through coordinated efforts and celebrated a cleaning day."

According to Haleeem, employees at Vilimale' Hospital, which is run under IGMH, had also proceeded an initiative to clean the hospital premises today.

Employees cleaning the Vilimale' Hospital.

Haleem emphasized that this demonstrates the love and priority conferred by employees towards their hospitals.

Photos of employees at work today shows staff painting the outer walls of the hospital in addition to cleaning specific areas at the hospital.

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