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Comments about Russia-Ukraine conflict misinterpreted: Maumoon

Maumoon posted on X yesterday, claiming that his comments had been taken out of context.

Mariyath Mohamed
30 August 2024, MVT 10:37
Mariyath Mohamed
30 August 2024, MVT 10:37

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has said that his post on social media X questioning the efficacy of the UN Security Council in relation to the Russia-Ukraine conflict had been misinterpreted.

In his post on August 27, Maumoon questioned the effectiveness of the UN Security Council, noting that while media reports highlighted Russian air strikes on Ukraine, the Council had remained silent.

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Maldives Levan S. Dzhagaryan responded to the comments, posting on the official Facebook page of the Russian Embassy, reminding Maumoon of the reasons behind Russia's military actions.

"I remind Mr. Gayoom that the barbaric actions of the Ukrainian administration have lead to numerous victims among the civic population of Donbass," the ambassador said.

“I strongly call Mr. Gayoom to refrain from following the policy of double standards traditionally pursued by the collective West,” he stated.

Maumoon posted on X yesterday, claiming that his comments had been taken out of context.

"I would like to clarify that my tweet highlighted the apparent lack of action by United Nations in exercising its mandate," he wrote.

He stated that he had at no time implied that reporting by the BBC was accurate or not, and instead focused on the ineffectiveness of the UN Security Council.

"We must emphasize that any continued conflict is hugely damaging to many states not involved in it, such as the Maldives, and that it continues to have a detrimental effect on the global economy," he said.

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