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Ex-pres Maumoon accused of hiding evidence

Nafaahath Ibrahim
15 February 2018, MVT 16:58
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.
Nafaahath Ibrahim
15 February 2018, MVT 16:58

Arrested former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s lawyer Maumoon Hameed announced that his client is being accused of hiding evidence by the police.

Maumoon Hameed tweeted after receiving a call from the police: “Pres. @maumoonagayoom is now being "investigated" for unspecified offences of hiding evidence. I assume they'll let us know once they make up their minds about what evidence they meant.”

Maumoon was arrested soon after the declaration of a state of emergency on February 5. He stands accused of trying to stage a coup by bribing Supreme Court judges and parliamentarians, and trying to create divisions within the defense force of the country.

However, his lawyers stated that he denied all of these allegations.

The police said that they have obtained records of transections of millions of US Dollars and Maldivian Rufiyaa, which were evidence for the alleged attempted coup.

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