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Detainees granted permission to meet lawyers: police

Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 February 2018, MVT 18:31
The leadership of Maldives Police Service. PHOTO/POLICE
Nafaahath Ibrahim
13 February 2018, MVT 18:31

Maldives Police Service stated that they have been allowing detainees to meet their lawyers in spite of the state of emergency, countering the claims stating otherwise.

In a series of tweets, Police stated that when the state of emergency period is lifted, detainees will be allowed to meet with their lawyers for 30 minutes everyday. They added that this allocated time will be allowed any day unless they have to carry out questionings relating to the case of the detainees.

After the Supreme Court's verdict to release nine political leaders and reinstate 12 parliamentarians came on February 1, several high profile arrests have been made including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Supreme Court's Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Judge Ali Hameed.