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Medical screening mandatory for expat visa renewal: Homeland Minister

Mohamed Rehan
26 December 2023, MVT 12:39
Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan (L) at a press conference on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan (L) at a press conference on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan (L) at a press conference on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
26 December 2023, MVT 12:39

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusan has confirmed medical screenings mandatory for expatriates to for visa renewal or extension.

The government has revised its policies making the previously optional medical screening or checkup for inbound expatriates, mandatory in light of the recent reemergence of Filariasis discovered from more than two dozen foreign workers in the Maldives.

Additionally, expatriates residing in the Maldives for work are now required to seek medical checkups if they need to renew or extend their visas.

Minister Ihusan, confirmed to Mihaaru News that a timeline for expatriates to undergo medical screening would be issued sometime this week. He said that the policy would be implemented from the beginning of 2024.

"No other choice besides submitting medical [reports, for expats]," Ihusan said.

The cabinet on Sunday, December 24, made crucial decisions about medical issues related to expatriates.

Minister Ihusan also disclosed that the government has decided to reduce the optional 30-day period for medical checkups to a mandatory 15-day period. Furthermore, expatriates already in the Maldives with a medical checkup that exceeds one year must undergo medical screening within the next six months.

The minister said that starting January 1, 2024, all expatriates arriving in the Maldives will be required to submit their medical reports upon arrival. Furthermore, they will need to provide a new medical report during the visa renewal process.

"This was a practice in the Maldives previously as well. Expats were required to seek medical checkups once every year, which we are reinstating once again," Minister Ihusan said.