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Fazul's residence searched, some items seized

Police have last night conducted a search of the residence of former Managing Director of Housing Development Corporation Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed and seized some items.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 December 2024, MVT 12:43
HDC - Fazul HDC - Fazul
HDC - Fazul
Mariyath Mohamed
24 December 2024, MVT 12:43

Police have last night conducted a search of the residence of former Managing Director of Housing Development Corporation Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed and seized some items.

Police said today that Fazul's residence had been searched under a court order in their ongoing investigation into the Binveriya and Gedhoruveriya housing schemes.

Police said that some of the items seized for the purpose of investigation include electronic devices.

Police and the Anti Corruption Commission are conducting investigations into land having been given to those who do not meet the criteria under the Binveriya scheme, wrongful allocation of flats under the Gedhoruveriya scheme and corruption in the awarding of Vinares flats.

Fazul is accused of having awarded a plot of land to his brother Ibrahim Fazeel Rasheed despite him not meeting the requirements for land ownership under the scheme and not being included in the list of land recipients.

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