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22 remain in temporary shelter after Thursday's fire incident

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said that 22 persons from houses affected by Thursday's fire at buildings housing government ministries still remain in temporary shelter.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 December 2024, MVT 16:11
Mariyath Mohamed
19 December 2024, MVT 16:11

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has said that 22 persons from houses affected by Thursday's fire at buildings housing government ministries still remain in temporary shelter.

Thursday's fire originated at the Housing Ministry at around 06:30 am and rapidly spread to the Construction Ministry and the adjacent structure housing theEnvironment Ministry. It took authorities four hours to bring the fire under control, at which point many of the structures had been burnt beyond use.

Houses near these buildings on Ameenee Magu were affected by the thick smoke clouds and sustained damage. At the time, 50 persons were evacuated from M. Loakashige, M. Kudhimaa Villa and M. Lubia and taken into temporary shelter.

An NDMA official said today that of these, 22 persons still remain in temporary shelter.

NDMA said that they had arranged accommodation in guesthouses for some of them, while others have been issued funds to stay at a place of their choice.

"Even in that house, the glass in the windows of the apartment were shattered, and there was damage to household goods in some other apartments. We issued funds to the house owner for repairs, once the necessary supplies are provided, they will move back to their residence," they said.

The official said that it would take about another week before these persons are able to move back in to their residences.

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