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This parliament will not guarantee people's rights: MDP

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said today that it has become evident that this 20th parliament, in which ruling People's National Congress (PNC) holds a supermajority, will not work to ensure people's rights are protected.

Mariyath Mohamed
12 August 2024, MVT 12:22
Ibrahim Nazil Ibrahim Nazil
Ibrahim Nazil
Mariyath Mohamed
12 August 2024, MVT 12:22

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said today that it has become evident that this 20th parliament, in which ruling People's National Congress (PNC) holds a supermajority, will not work to ensure people's rights are protected.

MDP MPs protested in parliament today expressing discontent at the answers provided by Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Dr Ali Haidar Ahmed when questioned about the issuance of land plots granted under the previous administration's 'Binveriya' housing scheme.

The Speaker of Parliament had announced the names of four MDP members after they obstructed today's sitting from proceeding. With their refusal to leave the chambers, the sitting could not be carried forward, with the Speaker ultimately having to adjourn today's sitting.

MDP Parliamentary Group (PG) Leader Ibrahim Nazil was also amongst the four members the Speaker had reprimanded.

In a press conference held by MDP PG afterwards, Nazil said that the responsibility of parliament members, and the work done by MDP members, is to protect the rights of citizens and to hold the government accountable. he accused the government of obstructing MDP's efforts to do so.

"The actions of the Parliament Speaker today clearly demonstrate that with PNC members holding this parliament's supermajority, and with the powers of the parliament, they will not guarantee the rights of citizens," Nazil alleged.

Nazil said that despite Minister Haidar having repeatedly claimed that some land plots had been issued 'from the middle of the seas', there would be no such cases.

He maintains that it was this government that stopped this work and diverted all their attention towards the Fushidhiggaru Falhu project. He stated that MDP is deeply concerned by Minister Haidar's statement that there are delays in issuing land plots and his inability to confirm a date when this will be done.

Speaking in parliament earlier today, Minister Haidar voiced concerns about the manner in which land plots had been allocated by the previous government.

He said that some of the land plots issued in Hulhumale' overlie the streets and land plots where various companies have kept their goods. He went on to question how it can be called land plots when some of the plots are located right on seas and lagoons which have not even been reclaimed so far.

Haidar announced today that all the land plots issued from Hulhumale' Phase 2 under the previous government's 'Binveriya' housing scheme will be issued by the end of October.

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