The Parliament on Monday announced the list of accusations against Chief Justice Dr Ahmed Abdulla Didi prior to the vote taken for his dismissal from his position.
Judicial Service Commission (JSC) forwarded a motion to the Parliament to sack Justice Didi and Supreme Court Judge Adam Mohamed Abdulla, following investigations into both.
During Monday's session, the report prepared by the Judiciary Committee, after reviewing JSC's report on the Cheif Justice, was presented to the Parliament floor with a two-hour period for debates.
Speaking about the report, Henveiru West MP and member of the Judiciary Committee Hassan Latheef stated that JSC completed all the necessary procedures required for the probe, adding that the parliamentary committee's reached the decision to dismiss Ahmed Abdulla Didi because he lacked the discipline to fill the position of Chief Justice.
Hassan Latheef then proceeded to reveal details about the allegations against Ahmed Abdulla Didi, clarifying the reason for his removal.
- Supreme Court hindered and obstructed the powers of JSC and the parliament
- Supreme Court altered the administrative policies of the judiciary outlined in the law and assumed responsibility to handle all administrative work related to the judiciary
- Supreme Court dissolved the council established under the law by the name of Judicial Council, transferring all of the council's responsibilities onto Supreme Court judges and later, established another council by the same name
- Supreme Court assumed responsibility for regulating and overseeing lawyers
- Supreme Court altered the appeal period stated in the law
- Supreme Court established a regulation on transferring judges between the lower courts, thus removing the powers granted to JSC by law
- Supreme Court held the trial, seven months after the deadline for commencing court proceedings, and sentenced former Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ahmed Nazim after the Criminal Court found him not guilty and High Court upheld the verdict
- Supreme Court decided that Civil Court Judge Mariyam Waheed had no right to hold trials
- Supreme Court dismissed Elections Commission's former President Fuad Thaufeeq and former Vice President Ahmed Fayaz from their positions after finding them guilty of criminal charges
- Supreme Court initiated an investigation into the Human Resources Commission of Maldives (HRCM) and established a guideline for the commission which stripped away the powers granted to HRCM by law
- Supreme Court nullified the Parliament's decision to dismiss former Civil Service Commission President Mohamed Fahmy Hassan from his position
- Supreme Court ordered JSC to quit assessing the standard of judges, thus obstructing JSC from performing responsibilities bestowed upon the commission by law
- Supreme Court obstructed 12 MPs from the 18th Parliament from carrying out their lawful mandates
- Supreme Court later on altered the verdict delivered by the court on February 1, 2018
- Supreme Court enacted "laws" through circulars and letters, imposing on the common people, judges and the administrative workings of lower courts
Following the debate on dismissing Chief Justice Ahmed Abdulla Didi, MPs are scheduled to discuss the report prepared by the Judiciary Committee on Judge Adam Mohamed.
Chief Justice Dr Ahmed Abdulla Didi. A list of allegations against the Supreme Court Judge were announced in Parliament on November 18. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/ MIHAARU