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HC rejects state's appeal for revocation of Zaki's passport cancellation

Mohamed Rehan
23 September 2022, MVT 00:39
Ibrahim Hussain Zaki; the former Special Envoy to President--
Mohamed Rehan
23 September 2022, MVT 00:39

Maldives High Court on Thursday, September 22, rejected state's request to repeal Civil Court's order to cancel the passport of former Special Envoy to the President Ibrahim Hussain Zaki.

Zaki had been the Special Envoy to the President, during former president Mohamed Nasheed's administration.

Civil Court ordered cancellation of Zaki's passport in 2020.

Attorney General's Office appealed Civil Court's order claiming it breached the local law. High Court however, argued that the state failed to present viable proof of the exact nature of infringed right of the government.

The appellate court further identified the right prescribed to Zaki to appeal Civil Court's order on his behalf, which renders state's intervention in the case moot. Moreover, High Court in its order claimed the preliminary assessment to observe if the complainant party was prescribed the right to appeal.

The judge's bench of the appellate court presiding over the case had, unanimously agreed state had no legal right to appeal on behalf of Zaki.

The bench included Justice Mohamed Faisal, Justice Shuaib Hussain Zakariya and Justice Fathimath Faruheeza.

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