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Chief Magistrate of Ukulhas loses post due to debt

Chief Magistrate of Alif Alif Ukulhas Ahmed Muaviyath Gasim has been removed from his position as he has an unpaid debt proven in court.

Mariyath Mohamed
26 December 2024, MVT 16:33
Mariyath Mohamed
26 December 2024, MVT 16:33

Chief Magistrate of Alif Alif Ukulhas Ahmed Muaviyath Gasim has been removed from his position as he has an unpaid debt proven in court.

Judicial Service Commission said yesterday that Gasim has not paid his debt as ordered by the Civil Court who oversaw the case. Gasim has admitted this to JSC's Investigation Committee.

Laws stipulate that Judges must pay their debts as ruled by Courts. it further states that should such a debt be left unpaid, the Judge would lose their position.

As such, JSC said that as Gasim has breached this fundamental requirement of a Judge, the Ukulhas Chief Magistrate's position is now vacant.

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