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ACC ordered recovery of MVR 50.3 million back to State, less than MVR 250,000 recovered

ACC ordered recovery of MVR 50.3 million from govt offices, councils and SOEs. However, more than MVR 50 million is yet to be recovered.

Ameera Osmanagic
15 May 2024, MVT 09:14
Members of ACC during a previous press conference -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
15 May 2024, MVT 09:14

The state has only been able to recover MVR 234,531 (USD 15,208.23) of the total MVR 50,342,542 (USD 3,265,381.42) ordered by Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) to be retrieved in 2023, revealed the commission today.

Statistics published by ACC for the year 2023 shows that the commission ordered the MVR 50.34 million to be retrieved from various government offices including ministries, state owned enterprises and councils.

Out of this, MVR 50,345,542 (USD 3,264,704.72) was claimed from public companies, MVR 15,000 (USD 972.76) from independent commissions, MVR 7,779.75 (USD 504.52) from Ministry of Health and MVR 2,200 (USD 142.67) from Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

Out of this, public companies recovered MVR 181,352.15 (USD 11,760.84) while Ministry of Education retrieved MVR 29,120 (USD 1,888.46). City councils also recovered MVR 10,500 (USD 680.92) with an additional MVR 13,559.42 (USD 879.34) recovered by island councils.

The document also detailed that in total, 1,151 complaints were submitted to ACC, out of which 650 were registered and 501 were dismissed. However, only 16 cases, addressed to 29 parties, were forwarded to the Prosecutor General's Office.

The total value of all complaints escalated to the PG office amounts of MVR 4,704,345.95 million (USD 305,239.78), out of which the state's claims totals MVR 4,554,345.95 (USD 295,164.27).

Most of these claims involved government enterprises and institutions, which totals to 209. ACC also received 190 complaints concerning Ministry of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

ACC's data also revealed that 61 cases were pending at duty prosecution as of 2023.

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