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STELCO chooses employees to embark on Hajj and Umrah trips

STELCO has granted 4 male employees and 2 female employees from their company the opportunity of a Hajj and Umrah trip. The requirement for qualifying for Hajj trip entails over 15 years of service to the company while Umrah trips require 5 years.

Aishath Shuba Solih
30 March 2024, MVT 17:48
Ceremony held by STELCO to draw lots to select employees granted Hajj and Umrah trips.
Aishath Shuba Solih
30 March 2024, MVT 17:48

State Trading Electric Company (STELCO) has selected six employees working at the company to perform Hajj and Umrah trips this year.

The recipients of the trips were nominated by drawing lots during a special Taraweeh hosted by the company Thursday night.

In contrast with previous years, the company had extended the opportunity to each gender separately.

STELCO revealed that the 116 employees had applied for the opportunity to perform Hajj during the window extended, of which 98 employees had met the conditions. Of the 263 employees who sought out the Umrah trip, 254 passed the requirements.

STELCO had further recalled that they offered this Hajj and Umrah opportunity to one female employee and one male employee during previous years. The company has reformed this policy this year and decided to grant two individuals of the male gender and one from the female gender with the opportunity for both trips this time.

Lots being drawn at the ceremony held by STELCO to select employees granted Hajj and Umrah trips.

Employees granted Hajj trips

- Abdulla Amir from the Hulhumale Powerhouse

- Mohamed Adhil from the Kaashidhoo powerhouse

- Aishath Shizna from the Vilingili powerhouse

Employees granted Umrah trips

- Azim Adham from the Alif Dhaahu atoll Dhangethi powerhouse

- Mohamed Arif from the Renewable Energy Department

- Khadheejah Ifsha from the Finance and Accounts Department

The company draws lots between staff who have been employed at the company for over 15 years to grant them Hajj trips sponsored by the company. Employees seeking Umrah trips must have served at the company longer than five years to qualify for the opportunity.

Speaking at the ceremony held Thursday night, Deputy Managing Director of the company, Abdulla Nazeer stated that while STELCO is nearing their 75 year anniversary, the company boasts employment of industry veterans as well as the most capable people engaged in the sector. He had further assured that concerned State institutions have been notified with the company's intention to value and recognize the services of these employees to a national standard by the initiative of Managing Director of STELCO, Hussain Fahmy.

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