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Man dies after deliberate crash into motorcycle

Shahudha Mohamed
16 February 2020, MVT 11:17
Authorities and people present at the scene strapping the injured 26-year-old to a stretcher. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Shahudha Mohamed
16 February 2020, MVT 11:17

Maldives Police Service confirmed on Sunday morning that a Maldivian male aged 26 succumbed to injuries sustained in a deliberate road accident that took place on the street of Buruzu Magu on Saturday night.

According to police, the aforementioned male drove into a motorcycle on purpose, resulting in a head-on collision, reported at around 2228 hrs on Saturday.

Authorities stated that he was rushed to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital but was pronounced dead around 0145 hrs on Sunday morning.

The two individuals on the second motorcycle also sustained injuries during the accident. The 31-year-old male, who was driving, was taken to ADK Hospital for treatment while the 22-year-old female in the backseat was taken to IGMH.

Police noted that both the drivers involved in the accident did not possess a driving license.

Local media Mihaaru reported that the man who passed away in the accident was Midhuhath Abdulla. Midhuhath is one of the three suspects charged with terrorism in relation to the conflict that preceded the murder of Ahmed Mafaz (Mafa) who was stabbed at the corner of Masodige in December 2014.

In addition to Midhuhath, the state charged Ahmed Saeed and Ahmed Rimaz in connection to the crime. However, a Criminal Court hearing in April 2017 cleared the trio of their charges for lack of sufficient evidence.

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