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Apex Court Judge Suood becomes President of Judges Association

Mohamed Rehan
08 June 2022, MVT 13:04
Supreme Court Justice Husnu Al Suood signing on letter of appointment as the President of Judges Association--
Mohamed Rehan
08 June 2022, MVT 13:04

Supreme Court Justice Husnu Al Suood has been appointed as the President of Judges Association of Maldives.

The position was previously held by Maldives High Court Justice Abdul Rauf Ibrahim, who resigned from the position following Judicial Service Commission's decision to terminate him.

Suood was appointed for the position through his acceptance for the offer of appointment by the Association's administrative committee.

The Judges Association of Maldives was first formed in 2008 by some of the most prolific judicial figures in the country.

However, the association remained idle for a significant period of time before it became active again in 2019.

The association aims to address challenges and issues faced during court trials and advocate resolutions for them as well as create camaraderie among the legal fraternity.

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