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Yameen resigns as HRCM SG as disciplinary proceedings against him begins

Malika Shahid
25 April 2022, MVT 10:29
[FILE] Yameen speaks during a ceremony held to mark Human Rights Day in December 2019 -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Malika Shahid
25 April 2022, MVT 10:29

Mohamed Yameen has resigned from his post as Secretary General of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM)as disciplinary proceedings against him begins.

A media official of the commission said that Yameen has submitted a letter requesting his dismissal from his post as head of the commission.

HRCM has not revealed any details of yameen's disciplinary proceedings.

Yameen told "Mihaaru" that his resignation had nothing to do with the disciplinary proceeding.

Yameen has served as the SG of HRCM for two and a half years.

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