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Parliament' Gender Committee convenes sitting to discuss threat of eviction in Male

Nafaahath Ibrahim
18 April 2020, MVT 22:24
Empty streets of Male' amid lockdown. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU Empty streets of Male' amid lockdown. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Empty streets of Male' amid lockdown. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Nafaahath Ibrahim
18 April 2020, MVT 22:24

Parliament's Committee on Human Rights and Gener on Saturday held a sitting in order to discuss the threat of possible eviction from landlords due to delay in rent amidst lockdown in capital Male.

The sitting was convened after Family Legal Clinic, (FLC) local NGO that provides pro bono legal advice to people with family-related or domestic violence issues, sent a letter via email to the parliament, expressing concerns regarding possible homelessness to families.

As per the letter, some of FLC's clients have raised concerns that their landlords might evict them for failing to pay rent as they have lost their jobs due to the current situation. Some clients also reported that they have been forced to confine to their rooms for long periods of time to escape from the verbal abuse of their landlord.

FCL expressed concerns that due to losing their homes, these citizens could be exposed to COVID-19, particularly at a time when the virus is spreading fast in the capital city.

During the sitting, the Committee discussed with the Auditor General on possible sunset laws against eviction and also increasing rents.

Additionally, it was discussed to write to Minister of Gender, Family and Social Services, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Housing and Male' City Council to obtain information regarding these issues and possible plans to aid these people.

The plan is to based on helping those who are unable to pay rent due to current circumstances, prevention on rent spikes and aid landlords who prioritise providing a home for families who are unable to pay rent, and hence has their income halted.

FLC expressed gratitude towards the Committee for their prompt response to their letter concerning such a vital issue.

Family Legal Clinic provides legal consultations and raises awareness in the areas of family law and the prevention of domestic violence law.

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