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MACL gears up for peak season with Winter Prep Kickoff 2024 event

Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 14:03
Participants of MACL's Winter Prep Kickoff 2024 event
Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 14:03

The Facilities Management and Utilities Division of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has held a special event to prepare for the upcoming peak tourism season in Maldives.

The "Winter Prep Kickoff 2024" event was organized ahead of the high season, which runs from December to April, when a large number of tourists visit the Maldives each year.

During the event, MACL shared its plans with its management, outlining preparations for the high season. Employees have planned and organized activities aligned with the company's goals.


As Velana International Airport (VIA) gears up for the peak tourism season, MACL emphasized that its primary focus is on creating a comfortable and efficient environment for airlines and departing passengers.

Plans include expanding the terminal area to minimize crowding, beautifying the terminal, and maintaining optimal temperatures throughout the facility.

MACL CEO and Managing Director Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed described the event as the starting point for the work planned for the upcoming season. He highlighted the company's internal activities, which are carried out in consultation with employees, as a positive development.


Shareef set goals for the next season and assured staff that the airport would address any challenges in meeting these targets, while also securing the necessary resources to further enhance the services provided.

The event also featured presentations from various Facilities Management and Utilities Division (FMUD) departments, where further strengthening of departmental cooperation was discussed. It was decided that similar meetings would be held more frequently in the future.

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