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Foreign Minister Zameer travels to UAE on official visit

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer has left on an official visit to United Arab Emirates (UAE) last night.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 10:20
Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer delivers his remarks during the Foreign Ministers' Session of the Third Voice of the Global South Summit convened virtually by the Government of India under the theme, “Charting a New Paradigm for Global South" -- Photo: Foreign Ministry
Mariyath Mohamed
03 September 2024, MVT 10:20

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer has left on an official visit to United Arab Emirates (UAE) last night.

A statement from the Foreign Ministry states that the Minister is making this trip on invitation from Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the UAE, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

During the visit, the Minister will hold high level discussions with his UAE counterpart, as well as other senior officials of the Government of UAE.

Minister Zameer is accompanied by Ambassador at Large Ahmed Naseer, Secretary, Bilateral Dr Hala Hameed and Joint Secretary Mariyam Reesha.

The visit will conclude on September 4.

While Maldives' Fitch rating has been downgraded and the country's economy faces difficulties, Zameer has recently travelled to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain as well.

In last Sunday's press conference held at the President's Office, Minister Zameer stated that these trips have renewed hope of receiving financial assistance.