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Subdivision of Hulhumalé Phase 2 land plots begins

HDC has initiated the process of subdivision of land plots allocated in Hulhumalé 2 under the Binveriyaa scheme.

24 March 2024, MVT 21:37
Subdivision of land in Hulhumalé Phase 2 begins today.
24 March 2024, MVT 21:37

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has begun the process of subdivision of land plots allocated in Hulhumalé 2 under the Binveriyaa housing scheme.

Speaking to the press after the inauguration ceremony following the survey of plots, HDC Managing Director Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed stated that this work has always been carried out, and the company has made the process easier for landowners.

He mentioned that previously, three stages had to be completed before construction could commence on the plot. However, with HDC subdividing the plots, construction can now begin upon obtaining permits through the portal.

"Today, we are marking the boundary walls to divide the plots. This means that once permission is granted, there will be no issue subdivision of land plots within the designated area," Fazul said.

He added that HDC is working to promptly resolve issues related to existing plots and facilitate construction on them by the time reclamation of Hulhumale' Phase 3 is complete.

Fazul stated that they have initiated work in coordination with relevant authorities to facilitate landowners in utilizing the allotted lands which overlaps with electricity and water networks, as well as plots currently filled with large sandhills or mounds of rock.

"It wont take long before we handover all the land. Currently, there are around 150 plots that have not been issued," he said.

HDC is also undertaking cleaning and leveling of the ground to hand over the land to the landowners.

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