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President Muizzu heads to Mumbai for business and tourism promotion

President Muizzu departed for Mumbai to engage in discussions focused on promoting Maldivian tourism and exploring additional business opportunities.

Malika Shahid
08 October 2024, MVT 13:05
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu being welcomed in Mumbai -- Photo: Ahmed Hamdhoon
Malika Shahid
08 October 2024, MVT 13:05

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has traveled to Mumbai to promote Maldivian business and tourism as part of his ongoing state visit to India.

President Muizzu met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday for official talks between the Maldives and India.

This morning, he departed for Mumbai to engage in discussions focused on promoting Maldivian tourism and exploring additional business opportunities. Special promotional events, set to take place this evening, will aim to expand these efforts, with participation from Indian celebrities.

In his media statement following the talks, President Muizzu highlighted India's significant role in the Maldives’ tourism industry.

At a business forum in Delhi yesterday, he emphasized his goal of developing the tourism sector and introducing new income generating activities for the economy.

He appealed for India's assistance in financial services, maritime, and the digital economy sectors in which India excels.

High level discussions during the visit also included plans to establish an Indian consulate in Addu City and a Maldivian consulate in Bangalore.

President Muizzu thanked India on behalf of the Maldivian people for its continued assistance in times of need.

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