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President Yameen pledges more development for Raa Atoll islands

Lujine Rasheed
27 August 2018, MVT 17:23
President Abdulla Yameen is warmly received by the people of R.Hulhudhuffaaru during his campaign trail ahead of the Presidential Election 2018. PHOTO/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Lujine Rasheed
27 August 2018, MVT 17:23

On his campaign trail to Raa and Noonu atolls, the ruling party's presidential candidate President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has made a number of pledges to the people of the islands of these atolls.

While speaking at a campaign stop in Alifushi, Raa, President Yameen stated that he has introduced and implemented an estimated 76,000 job opportunities for the people of Maldives. He further added that the development of new resorts within Raa Atoll would lead to even more job opportunities within the atoll as well.

Summary of President Yameen's pledges given to the people of Alifushi, Raa.

- A resort will be developed at Alifushi's neighboring island of Iththigili.

- Make the Alifushi boatyard an accessible ground to the island's youth.

- Providing adequate space on the island of Alifushi.

- Crucial development of the fishing industry.

- Providing SME loans to boatbuilders.

President Yameen extensively criticized the different schools of thinking that the opposition coalition comprises of. He highlighted that these parties were not allies to one another prior to this election, and stated that the coalition is an extremely superficial affiliation.

"Each of these parties had hoped for a separate government of their own. To come to power separately", said President Yameen.

Continuing his campaign trail, he made a stop in Hulhudhuhfaaru, Raa. Here, he voiced new pledges for the atoll as well as the island separately, should he win the upcoming elections.

Summary of President Yameen's speech to the people of Hulhudhuhfaaru, Raa.

- An estimated budget of MVR 1 million was spent on the projects designated to the island of Hulhudhuhfaaru by the prior governments.

- A budget of MVR 71 million has been spent on the projects designated to Hulhudhuhfaaru under the current government.

- Pledge to preserve the eroded area of the island as well as expand the island's school campus.

- Pledge to establish a hospital specializing in treatment for women and children.

- Ensure a gender balanced demographic among board members.

- Encourage more women to become Members of Parliament.

Drawing his speech to a close, President Yameen extended his criticism towards the opposition coalition, stating that the main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) badly needed the other parties in order to gain support among the people of Maldives.

He declared that MDP, along with the alliance parties, Jumhooree Party (JP), Adhaalath Party, and Maumoon's Reform Movement (MRM), have together created a 'cocktail' coalition.