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Pardoning Adeeb and Ziyath contradicts 'zero tolerance' policy: HRCM

Mariyath Mohamed
16 November 2023, MVT 13:00
Fomer MMPRC MD Abdulla Ziyath (L) and former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb (R)
Mariyath Mohamed
16 November 2023, MVT 13:00

Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has stated today that granting presidential pardons to former Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Managing Director Abdulla Ziyath and former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb directly contradicts the 'zero tolerance to corruption' policy that the government adopted at the start of its administration.

In a statement released on Wednesday, HRCM stated that the current actions do not align at all with the administration's previous pledges to counter corruption and especially to investigate and take due action in the MMPRC corruption case.

"Pardoning persons convicted of corruption charges while work to duly investigate and take action against corruption has been failing is an act that directly contradicts the 'Zero Tolerance' Policy and is of major concern to the public," the statement reads.

HRCM said that while legislation has been drafted to counter corruption in the Maldives, the pardons granted to Adeeb and Ziyath pose obstacles to the effectivity of these.

HRCM also noted the failure to recover the MVR 1 billion lost due to the MMPRC case, emphasizing that the largest disadvantage from this would be posed to persons with special needs.

They said that the issuing of the pardons would act as encouragement for those so inclined to get involved in acts of corruption.

HRCM further called for revising the Clemency Act, stating it is an injustice that the Head of the State can issue pardons with no consideration of the nature of the offence.