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Bus driver involved in collision released

Mariyam Malsa
26 November 2019, MVT 14:03
A Maldives Transport and Contracting Company bus in reclaimed suburb Hulhumale'. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
26 November 2019, MVT 14:03

The driver of the bus involved in the accident which resulted in the death of a 13-year-old girl on November 12, was released from detention.

Police arrested the 54-year-old employee of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) following the accident which occurred in the reclaimed suburb of Hulhumale'.

Despite the driver's release, the police stated that the incident was still under investigation.

Reports state that the victim, Fathimath Anjun Shafeeq, was with her mother on a motorcycle, driving along the road Nirolhu Magu towards the highway linking Hulhumale to Sinamale' Bridge, en route to Male'.

Onlookers claim that the bus hit the motorcycle from behind, causing the young girl to be thrown off. She suffered severe injuries to the head and was pronounced dead upon arrival at Tree Top Hospital. Her mother did not sustain any serious injuries and was taken to Hulhumale' Hospital.

MTCC, which operates bus services within Hulhumale, claimed that neither the driver nor the passengers were aware that the accident took place.

An official from MTCC stated that "If the vehicles collided and caused an accident of this extent, then there must be marks on the bus to indicate it. But there was no sign of blood on the tires, and not a single scratch on the bus".

However, some members of the victim's family claim that Anjun was also run over by the bus.

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