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Foreign Minister meets Canadian diplomats

Fathmath Shaahunaz
27 January 2020, MVT 11:43
The Director General for South Asia at Global Affairs Canada, David Hartman, and the Ambassador of Canada, David McKinnon, called on Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid on January 27, 2020. PHOTO/FOREIGN MINISTRY
Fathmath Shaahunaz
27 January 2020, MVT 11:43

The Director General for South Asia at Global Affairs Canada, David Hartman, and the Ambassador of Canada, David McKinnon, called on Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid early Monday.

According to the foreign ministry, Minister Shahid and Director General Hartman discussed areas to expand cooperation environment and climate change, and countering terrorism and violent extremism.

The three diplomats also discussed ways to strengthen the existing ties between Maldives and Canada in the international area.

Furthermore, Minister Shahid thanked the government Canada for being one of the biggest supporters of Maldives' bid to re-join the Commonwealth.

Director General Hartman and Ambassador McKinnon were accompanied by Indirani Jayawardena, the Political Officer at the Embassy of Canada.

The foreign minister was accompanied by State Minister Ahmed Khaleel, Director Shiuneen Rasheed, and Desk Officer Saifulla Waleed.