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Lucky winner of Tesla, Musthafa delighted with his unexpecting win

Musthafa, who won the 'Win a Tesla' promotion launched by Dhiraagu remained in disbelief of his win. Although he remains delighted over his unexpected win, he has not given much thought as to what to do with the Tesla.

Aishath Shuba Solih
18 June 2024, MVT 15:10
Lucky winner of Dhiraagu 'Win a Tesla' promotion, Musthafa Ahmed.
Aishath Shuba Solih
18 June 2024, MVT 15:10

Musthafa Ahmed, aged 55 was is disbelief when he received the call from Dhiraagu last night, informing him that he had won the 'Win a Tesla' promotion; he had discarded it as a scam call. Minutes later however, he began receiving multiple calls from friends and family, which led him to accept his lucky win.

"I didn't believe it when they first called. Because scam calls and stuff are very common these days. Then I checked Facebook and other socials. And then [I] started receiving calls from people I know. At that point, I knew I had gotten it," recalled Musthafa.

Native to Kaafu atoll Thulusdhoo, Musthafa said that he had joined the promotion offering the most valuable prize given during a promotion thus far without a shred of hope in winning the Tesla.

Lucky winner of Dhiraagu 'Win a Tesla' promotion, Musthafa Ahmed.

Although Dhiraagu had prepared in advance and announced their intention to declare the lucky draw winner during the Eid show held in Hulhumale' Central Park, Musthafa had returned to his native island for the Eid holidays because he had never been lucky enough to win a draw before.

Dhiraagu had requested his presence at the area where the draw was held, however, Musthafa was unable to make it as he remains in his island for Eid. Although Dhiraagu had also wished to video call him, Musthafa was unable to join a video call due to the flood of calls on his mobile.

Musthafa said that he has remained a Dhiraagu customer since mobile phones were first introduced to Maldives. For the 20 years since, Musthafa has been using the number he had taken at the time without changing it.

During the ceremony held by Dhiraagu to select a lucky winner of Dhiraagu 'Win a Tesla' promotion. -- Photo: Dhiraagu

"This is the number I took when mobile was first introduced to Maldives. This was the number selected in the draw (held last night)," said Musthafa.

Musthafa currently works as an officer at Maldives Customs Service. Although he is employed in Male' City, his family resides in their island. Musthafa handles all expenses of his three children and family from his monthly salary.

Musthafa has not yet recieved the Model 3 White Tesla offered by Dhiraagu nor given a thought as to what he will do with it. However, he remains in possession of a car drivers license.

Lucky winner of Dhiraagu 'Win a Tesla' promotion, Musthafa Ahmed with his family.

"Haven't made a particular decision. Whether to sell it or drive it. I have never driven a car before. But I do have a license," shared Musthafa.

The Tesla car presented by Dhiraagu for this promotion stands between a price of MVR 600,000 and MVR 700,000 on a global scale.

"It could become something that could bring a significant change to [our] lifestyle. But I still haven't given it much thought yet." he said.

This was the first time Musthafa had won a lucky draw in his whole life and he remains delighted in being conferred such a valuable prize.

The Model 3 White Tesla presented by Dhiraagu as the prize of their 'Win a Tesla' promotion.

While Mushthafa had won the Dhiraagu 'Win a Tesla' promotion, it was launched by Dhiraagu last October to commemorate their 35th anniversary.

Musthafa had won the lucky draw while countless others remained hopeful in winning the promotion and acquiring the prize. Although Musthafa had not hoped for an expensive car, his family had were also immensely delighted in winning the valuable Tesla.

Musthafa remains the luckiest person this Eid-al-Adha.

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